Participation of Sunlight Recycling at the Athens Stock Exchange event for the awarded companies of the “GREEK VALUE Awards of Northern Greece 2017”

Participation of Sunlight Recycling at the Athens Stock Exchange event for the awarded companies of the “GREEK VALUE Awards of Northern Greece 2017”
Athens, June 21 2017 – Sunlight Recycling participated on Wednesday, June 14, 2017, at the event organized by the Athens Stock Exchange to honor the companies that excelled at the “GREEK VALUE Awards of Northern Greece”. The President of the Northern Greece Industries Association, Mr. A. Savvakis, made the opening ceremony of the Athens Stock Exchange along with representatives of Sunlight Recycling, MICHAEL ARABATZIS SA HELLENIC JEWS, Epirus Firm of Bottling SA VIKOS SA.
Mr. Spyros Copolas, Chief Executive Officer of Sunlight Recycling, presented the first integrated approach in Greece for the recycling of lead batteries and spoke about the benefits for the local economy, through the drastic reduction of lead imports. Also, he presented the Green Mission initiative which aspires to raise awareness about the correct recycling of lead acid batteries. The Green Mission program has already begun, while in 2018 it is planned to extend the campaign for attracting more Members and creating public Green Recycling Points of lead batteries.
The “GREEK VALUE Awards of Northern Greece” is an event organized by the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING) together with Kathimerini newspaper, with the objective to present, promote and award those manufacturing companies that excelled during the previous year in 8 specific fields.