Green Mission won the special award in the “Research and Planning” category of the Hellenic Management Association’s Corporate Excellence Awards

Green Mission won the special award in the “Research and Planning” category of the Hellenic Management Association’s Corporate Excellence Awards
Green Mission won the special award in the “Research and Planning” category of the Hellenic Management Association’s Corporate Excellence Awards. The Research and Planning category recognizes Corporate Affairs planning and actions – on both the strategic and tactical levels – that contribute to the achievement of corporate goals. It is a special category, the winner in which is selected following a recommendation by the primary evaluation committee, which is made up of elite executives in the corporate affairs sector.
This distinction encourages us to continue Green Mission’s activities, and it reaffirms our common vision for the consolidation of a corporate philosophy that promotes environmentally correct recycling and will provide multiple benefits for the environment and society.
From the very first months of its implementation, the Greek Mission programme managed to garner the support of institutional agencies and a broad range of companies that currently make up the 35 members! Thanks to everyone’s participation, in less than a year 687 tons of batteries were collected through the Green Mission, 17,334 MWh were saved, and CO2 emissions were reduced by 1,106 tons.
On the occasion of our receiving this award, we would like to express our warm thanks to Green Mission Members for their confidence in us and their practical support. We are certain that, with their assistance, Green Mission will continue to successfully pursue its goals for improving the country’s performance in battery-collection indices, the creation of public experiences associated with lead-acid battery recycling, and raising awareness of the benefits that derive from recycling the right way.