We perceive Sustainability & Ethos as a continuous effort for balancing business growth, environmental stewardship and social progress, aiming to achieve multiple benefits for our various stakeholders.
Environmental stewardship
Our steps towards sustainable growth include monitoring key performance indicators related to the environment, applying an Environmental Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 for our recycling plant, and implementing actions to reduce our carbon footprint.

The Green Mission environmental initiative
Since 2016, we have been running the Green Mission environmental initiative, with the goal to raise awareness not only in our industry but also in the overall battery market regarding proper recycling of lead-acid batteries. We aim to motivate more than 14,000 Greek companies that produce and/or manage sufficient quantities of lead-acid products.
To further support and promote the circular economy model, in 2021 we initiated the planting of two trees for each tn of batteries recycled in the Komotini recycling Plant via the Green Mission initiative. This corresponds to the planting of more than 2,000 trees for the 1,000 tn of lead-acid batteries collected and recycled in the plant. The trees are expected to annually absorb ca. 44,000 kg of carbon dioxide and return about 234,000 kg of oxygen to the environment.
Green Mission Milestones
Throughout the years the initiative has achieved to:
Gather >4,800tn of lead batteries
Contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions
Enhance energy savings almost to 13,150 MWh.
Establish 66 Green Spots in 15 cities